Jack Henry Research Platform

Every powerful tool and every metric for free.

For the first time ever, you can create custom peer groups, run custom reports, access all regulatory metrics – all for free.

Your first few reports and peer groups are on us. So if you find it useful and need more power, easily upgrade to have a completely unlimited experience!

Access Bank and Credit Union data.

Get access to every available quarter of bank and credit union regulatory data.

Easily search and analyze key financial metrics on every bank and credit union in the country.

Create and share interactive reports.

Everyone hates the dreary data dumps and excel spreadsheets off of your legacy analytics tools.
On Jack Henry Lending, easily create a report and share a link with anyone – its that’s simple. They can analyze the graphs, interact with the data, and read your annotations.
Trust us, your board and management will be stunned at your next presentation on peer group analysis.

Analyze bank metrics per state.

View your state’s data or any other state’s quarterly performance review for free.
See the metrics that matter for state performance.

Way more accessible.

Jack Henry Lending has a transparent and inexpensive monthly price per user. No need to wait months or have your organization sign multi-year contracts.
Upgrade on your own and avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for legacy analytics providers.

Everything is tablet and mobile friendly.

You don’t need to be on your work computer to consume or edit reports.
When you share reports on LinkedIn, all of your viewers can see them and interact — whether on mobile, tablet, or laptop.